
Worry Less and let the Kids Bike More

“I worry that an e-bike is too fast and hard to control for my child.” “I worry that my kid…
Let the Kids Bike More!
  • “I worry that an e-bike is too fast and hard to control for my child.”
  • “I worry that my kid isn’t familiar enough with the rules of the road to ride an electric bike.”
  • “I worry that my child won’t know how to make safe, good decisions when it comes to their e-bike and e-scooter.”
As parents, the list of things we have to worry about is long – really, really long.

But with quality electric-bike and electric-scooter education, we can take “worrying about our child riding their e-bike” off the list. When it comes to e-bike safety, there’s a lot of good news out there. E-bike riding gets our kids out in the fresh air, exercising and having fun. Electric bikes and scooters give our children the opportunity to socialize with their friends in a positive, wholesome way. And – maybe the best news! – e-bikes help busy parents skip the carpool chores when our kids can use their electric ride-ons to get to school and extracurricular activities.

Photo Credit: E-Bike Sense / @ebikesense

Here’s more good news about e-bikes that can help you worry less. Of course, every type of good news can have a caveat or two. Read on to learn more.

The Good News on Helmets…

The good news here is that helmets work – and work well!

Research from the National Institutes of Health argue that proper helmet use can reduce the chance of head injury by 48 percent, traumatic brain injury by 53 percent and the total number of killed or seriously-injured cyclists by 34 percent. These stats make it clear: Helmet use is a major way to reduce any worry associated with e-bike safety.

…And the Bad 

Unfortunately, there’s some bad news about helmet use, too. There’s one really important word in that first sentence above: “proper.” Helmets only work as intended when they’re used 100 percent of the time and 100 percent correctly. Unfortunately, only 18 percent of cyclists wear the proper safety gear.

That’s why parents rely so heavily on e-bike training courses that drive the necessity of helmets home and teach kids how to wear them correctly every time.

The Good News on E-Bike & E-Scooter Safety Classes… 

Thanks to the popularity of electric bikes, parents now have excellent options for e-bike safety training courses for their children. The good news is that seasoned, professional educators have crafted e-bike and e-scooter specific curriculum that covers everything from e-bike and e-scooter maintenance to proper helmet and safety gear use, rules of the road, how to safely ride in groups and much more.

…And the Bad 

The news here is… there’s no bad news! If you live in Southern California, you can access e-bike and e-scooter education and training for your child in person through E-Bike Sense. The three-hour hands-on course emphasizes on-the-bike training so that you can feel confident your child has mastered the material.

Not in the SoCal area? No problem! There’s good news for you, too. PedalAce.com is your one-stop e-bike education shop. Access self-paced curriculum and training that’s tween and teen friendly in just a few clicks. Your child will learn all they need to be safer on the road – and you’ll know you chose the best online e-bike training for your family.


Smart e-riding starts here.

Can you think of a better investment than your child’s safety? Getting properly trained before riding an e-bike is a no brainer.

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